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Milton results 2008 Milton Facts Health Pedigree Activities Results Gallery 2007 2008 2009 Links About Lancashire Heeler Puppysites Off. Shows x 9 BIG-4 x 2 BOB/BIR x 6 1st EXC x 6 2nd VG x 2 CERT X 6 CK x 6 HP x 1 And titel Norwegian Winner 2008 (V -08) 23.11. Hamar, Vikingskipet (Int.) (Norwegian Winner Show) Judge: Fernando M Rodriques, Portugal Junior Class: 1.KVAL (Exc), 1.KONK. CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BIR and Norwegian Winner -08 (V -08) (17 entries, most ever Lancashire Heeler gathered together in Norway) "Nice type. Very nice expression of head. Good neck. The front a bit out of elbows. Nice body with good top line. OK tail. Good rear. Good bone." Judging of quality
In the best dog :-)))
I thought judge wanted us to out of the showring: thank you and goodbye... I asked "out"? He began to smile and said 1st place!!! Other dogs still waiting placing from the left (if I'm taking correct!): KBHV-08 Telpoolwyn In Tanspots, NORD UCH SV-03 NV-07 Animalcompaniets Conny Cowboy, SJW-04 NV-05 SUCH NUCH Mongrel's Angus Aspinall, SUCH NUCH Mongrel's Eddie Eastwood
In the Best of Breed and the Best of Opposite sex: Milton and Whisp!
Norwegian Winner 2008!!
Big hug to BOS lovely Whisp (Hotpot Silent Whisper) and Ellen!
In the Best in Group (no placement)
Mongrel's in breederclass (no placement)
8.11. Orkdal Hundeklubb, Orklahallen i Orkanger (Nat.). Judge: Colette Muldoon (Ireland) Junior Class: 1.KVAL (Exc), 1.KONK. CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BIR, BIG-4 (BOB, BIG-4) "Good head and alert express. Correct dark eyes. Nice deep chest. Broad front. Good lenght of body. Correct angular. Correct marking."
(Photo Jacky Neraas family)
After judging Mrs. Muldoon wanted to ask about working dog class to Lancashire Heeler in Norway. They wish to actualize working class in Ireland to this breed. Picture is taken under judging. (Photo Jacky Neraas family)
Best in Group -4 :-) (Photo Jacky Neraas family) 6.9.Steinkjer Hundeklubb, Steinkjer (Nat.) Judge: Frank Christiansen (Norway) Junior Class: 1.KVAL (Exc), 1.KONK. CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BIR (BOB) "Black and tan. Meget god type. Utmerket kjønspreg. Kraftig velutviklet i alle ?. Kraftig velskåret hode. God piggete(?) ståører. Solid hals. Gode skuldre. God lengde i kroppen med prima dybde. Utmerket pels. Stabile bevegelser. Rene klare farger. Prima temperament."
31.8. Norsk Dalmatiner Klubb Trøndelag, Støren (Nat.) Judge: Miroslav Zidar (Slovenia) Junior Class: 1.KVAL (Exc), 1.KONK. CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BIR (BOB) "Strong. Compact. Good proportions. Good color & pigmentation. Correct head. Something more developed cheeks. Good top. Correct tail. Good angular. Strong chest. Outposition front pastern. Good movements. Correct bite. Complete teeth."
30.8. Trøndelag Selskapshundklubb, Støren (Nat.) Judge: Andraz Korozs (Hungary) Junior Class: 1.KVAL (Exc), 1.KONK. CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BIR (BOB) "Wunderschön kleine Rüde, sehr schön typ. Kopf, guter front, ?, ?typ. Oberlinke, sehr gute Winkeln. Schöne saubere Farbe."
In Best in Group -no placement. 4.7. 2008 World Dog Show, Stockholm, Sweden (Int.) Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (Finland) Junior Class: 2.KVAL (VG), 3. best junior dog "11 mån. gammal. Svart med bruna tecken. Aningen lågställd. Maskulin junior. Lagom kroppslängd. Bra huvud. Välburna öron. Något jämt bett. Bra benstamme. Länder framtassarna utåt for mycket. Bra ovelrlinje, knappt vinklet bak. Rør seg lite stelt bak."
22.6.2008 Oppdal Hundeklubb, Oppdal (Nat.) Judge: Tapio Eerola (Finland) Junior Class: 1.KVAL (Exc), 1.KONK, HP (Honorprize) "Utmerket type og proporsjoner. Kraftig hode. Noe kort neseparti. Vakre øyner og ører. Utmerket brystkasse. Kunne hatt rakere frambeina. Rasetypiske vinkler. Utmerket pels, vakker farge. Beveger seg ellers bra, men kunne ta lengre steg bak." 21.6.2008 Surnadal og Ringdal Hundeklubb, Oppdal (Nat.) Judge: Leni Finne (Finland) Junior Class: 1.KVAL (Exc), 1.KONK. CK, CERT, 1.BHK, BIR, BIG-4 (BOB, BIG-4) "Utmerket proporsjoner, korrekt beinstamme. Korrekt hodeform. Snutepartiet kunne være bedre utfylt under øynene. Korrekt hals og overlinje. For alderen utmerket forbryst. Korrekt brystkasse. Velvinklet fram og bak. Beveger seg underbart. Korrekt steglengde. Korrekt farge. Trivelig temperament."
28.5.2008 Päijät-Hämeen Kennelkerho, Lahti, Finland Match Show (very unofficial :-)) Puppy class: 2nd best of blue puppies (winner went to BIS-puppy competition) "Luonne, liikkuminen, yleisvaikutelma/kunto ja yhteistyö: erinomainen"
25.5.2008 Hamina, Finland (Int.) Judge: Elina Tan-Hietalahti (Finland) Junior Class: 2. KVAL (VG) 1. KONK. "Sopivankokoinen, tyypillinen, seistessä parempi kuin liikkeessä. Tummat hyvät silmät. Hyvä kaula. Hyvä asentoinen häntä. Sopivankokoinen. Tällä hetkellä hieman takakorkea. Tulisi liikkua paremmin takaa. Hyvät värimerkit. Hyvä häntä. Eritt. hyvä luonne."
Photo Arja Myllylä
Photo Arja Myllylä
Arja & Lasse Myllylä, Kennel Isrik with Milton. Thank you for your help and so cozy to talk about everything at your house with coffee and blue berry ice cream........
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